
Description of documents

Genji stores records as documents. A document is an object that contains pairs that associate a string field to a value of any type. Genji SQL represents documents as JSON objects, though they support far more types.

Here is a JSON representation of the structure of a document:

    field1: value1,
    field2: value2,
    field3: value3,

Example of a document using Genji SQL syntax:

    name: "Nintendo Switch",
    price: {
        base: 379.99,
        vat: 20,
        total: base + base * vat / 100
    brand: "Nintendo",
    "top-selling-games": [
        "Mario Odyssey",
        "Zelda Breath of the Wild"

Each field name must be a string, but values can be of any type, including another document, an array or an expression.

Any JSON object is a valid document and can be inserted as-is.

Field names

Field names can be any string, with only one exception: they cannot be empty.


A path is a way to refer to fields of a document or elements of an array.

Given the following document:

    "name": "Foo",
    "address": {
        "city": "Lyon",
        "zipcode": "69001"
    "friends": [
        "name": "Bar",
        "address": {
            "city": "Paris",
            "zipcode": "75001"
          "name": "Baz",
          "address": {
              "city": "Ajaccio",
              "zipcode": "20000"
          "favorite game": "FF IX"

Accessing a top-level field can be achieved by simply referring to its name.

Example: name will evaluate to "Foo".

To access a nested field, either concatenate the fields with the . character, or use the [] notation

Examples: will evaluate to "Lyon" Examples: address["city"] will evaluate to "Lyon"

To access an element of an array, use the index of the element


  • friends[0] will evaluate to {"name": "Bar","address": {"city":"Paris","zipcode": "75001"}}
  • friends[1].name will evaluate to "Baz"
  • friends[1]."favorite game" will evaluate to "FF IX"

Last modified July 2, 2022: Rewrite SQL introduction (e5876b2)